The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)

The life of nations might pass through evolutionary cycles or circular steps. I am not disheartened by the fact that Salam didn’t establish this center in Pakistan. As a student of science and history, I am well aware of how long ago the French took Lavoisier to the guillotine, how Galileo was stopped from disseminating his scientific observations, and how, not long ago, Einstein and other Jewish-born scientists and intellectuals had a hard time in Germany and Europe.
I believe that socio-political beliefs, in essence, are never in contradiction to science, as science is the study of nature, and everything is manifested in nature. “Those who know could never be equal to those who don’t know.”
Religions and its teachings came into effect to liberate the people from the shackles of those who look down upon others..

Being a practicing Muslim, born to a family of the Barelvi sect of Indian Muslims, and wearing a ring from the Shrine of Pir Mehr Ali Shah.
I can say that I would not have any issue if Salam had established the ICTP in Islamabad, Faisalabad, or even in New Delhi, Dhaka or Mumbai.
I don’t want to delve into and can’t elaborate on the birth of religious beliefs and science; I cannot do more philosophy.
Bhutto, after the riots of 1973-74, thought he had solved problem by amending the law.
Salam wrote to Bhutto, stating that he had no right to declare someone a non-Muslim,
but unfortunately, Bhutto was still hanged and her daughter was somewhat got killed after 37 years by religious zealots.
From Ayub’s rule until now, it can be seen how this issue has continued to destabilize the civilian governments.
In short, I can say that every political leader and ruler in Pakistan has tried their best to give an “Islamic touch” to their politics, but all in vain. The Faizabad dharna and the implementation of the Supreme Court’s verdict on it is a recent case. I don’t know the present status of that verdict, as the incumbent Chief Justice has passed it.

I testify that prophethood has ceased in its every form after Muhammad.
Amer Zaffar
ICTP, Trieste Italy.

Well done boy…
Thanks Sir